2021 Conference Presentation
Lessons Learned: Managing Parks and Trail Use During a Pandemic
In 2020, the pandemic drove many to seek solace in our shared outdoor spaces resulting in dramatic usage spikes. Those responsible for the management of these spaces worked to meet the challenge of that demand in ways that would keep both the people and these special places safe. This session seeks to share some of the actions taken and lessons learned by park and trail managers to meet those challenges.
How are park/trail managers dealing with increased visitation in the wake of the pandemic? How are they balancing increased use vs. resource impact? What strategies have worked? Which haven’t? A panel of park/trail managers working in VA will share lessons learned from various strategies implemented to educate/manage new and repeat users to public lands, while continuing to protect natural resources.
Moderator: Andrew Downs, Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Andrew Alli, Trails Manager, James River Park System, Richmond
- Daniel Jordan, Park Manager, High Bridge Rail-Trail State Park
- Karl Mohle, Park Manager, W&OD Trail, Northern Virginia
- Pat Kenney, Superintendent, Shenandoah National Park