The Commonwealth's conservation collaboration

Federal Grant Series for Virginia Land Conservation

There is a once-in-a-generation level of federal funding for land and water programs.  But federal grants can be overwhelming even for well-established organizations with skilled grant writers.  Should your organization consider applying or being a partner in a grant application?

Virginia’s United Land Trusts will host agency and nonprofit speakers to provide an overview of federal grant programs most relevant to land conservation.  Applying, receiving, and managing a federal grant is a 2-5 year proposition.  What factors should your organization consider before applying?  What are some of the ingredients for success?

VaULT’s role will be a convener to make sure Virginia’s conservation community has the structure, network, and access to experts to bring in as much federal funding to Virginia as possible.  *VaULT will not be writing grants.  


Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Funding and Sentinel Landscapes, Friday, June 23, 2023

Video Presentation
Presentation Slides


Natural Resources Conservation Service covering Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Agricultural Land Easement and Regional Conservation Partnership Program, April 11, 2023

Video Presentation
Presentation Slides

Great American Outdoors Act &
Land & Water Conservation Funds,
March 14, 2023

Contact Information:

Kristal McKelvey, Chief Recreation Grants Manager, Department of Conservation & Recreation

Forest Legacy, February 15, 2023

Contact information:

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, February 6, 2023

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