The Commonwealth's conservation collaboration

Virginia’s United Land Trusts Professional Partner Category

Conserving land is a partnership between the landowner, the land conservancy or agency which holds the easement, and the professionals who provide legal, tax, and other services.  As the state association for land trusts, VaULT wants to connect land conservancies, agencies, and the professionals who provide essential conservation services to support a strong and effective conservation community to achieve widespread protection of important lands throughout the Commonwealth.

All VaULT Professional Partners will be listed on the VaULT website which is a resource guide for land trust and agency staff and landowners throughout the state to locate professionals who provide conservation services including appraisers, attorneys, GIS consultants, and tax brokers.

Profession Partners form will be reviewed by the VaULT Board.  This is a nonvoting membership category and listing on the VaULT website is not an endorsement or recommendation.  Please contact Ellen Shepard (, 540-529-1595) with any questions.

Our Professional Partners

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