Aldo Leopold Read-a-Thon, Jan. 15
Come hear and be part of a read-a-thon of “A Sand County Almanac,” a beloved book of short essays by legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold. This is NVCT’s third annual reading by public figures, students, local conservationists, and community members, and this year we celebrate Leopold’s 130th birthday.
Sunday, Jan. 15,
5-7 p.m.
Busboys and Poets in Shirlington
4251 South Campbell Ave., Arlington, VA 22206
Table service will be available from the restaurant’s menu
Let us know if you’re coming:, call 703-354-5093
See our website for more about Aldo Leopold and his contribution to conservation.
This article has been featured on our site to highlight the news and updates from our members. The original source can be found on the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust website. View the original article here Aldo Leopold Read-a-Thon, Jan. 15.