Citizen’s Alert on New Pipeline Route
VCC and many partners continue to raise serious concerns about Dominion’s proposed 42-inch Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) that would traverse rugged mountain terrain and working farm and forest lands in three counties within VCC’s service region. A recent route adjustment adds 30 miles to the alignment, moving the route south through Highland County and into northern Bath County, and then northward through the narrow Deerfield valley in Augusta County.
This new route would cross nine properties that are held in conservation easement with our partner, Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF).
Both VOF and VCC have submitted letters to the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC), the agency charged with review and permitting, urging them not to permit the ACP to cross these protected properties, many of which host extraordinary natural resources.
Because this new route would affect many additional properties and new portions of the George Washington National Forest, FERC is hosting two public scoping meetings. The nearest one in our region will be Saturday, May 21, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Bath County High School, 464 Charger Lane, Hot Springs, VA 24445. This meeting is an important opportunity for people, especially those with land in or near the route, to express their views on the new proposed route and on the project in general. To assure that FERC staff understands the degree of concern of affected communities, it is crucial that citizens turn out.
For a knowledgeable perspective regarding the economics of and lack of need for new large-scale natural gas infrastructure, read this article by Thomas Hadwin, a retired siting professional for electric and gas utilities.
The ACP, as proposed, is not a done deal. For the most up-to-date information, visit these partner websites: Allegheny Blue Ridge Alliance and Augusta County Alliance.
Also, interactive maps of the proposed route can be found here.
The post Citizen’s Alert on New Pipeline Route appeared first on Valley Conservation Council.