Hearing Feb. 9 on Threatened Pipeline Easements
Pipeline developers have proposed “converting” the conservation easements in the path of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP). The Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF), which holds the easements, will hear Dominion’s proposal and request on February 9. Valley Conservation Council has written VOF to oppose the plan to substitute a new easement on a Highland County farm for the right to run the ACP through ten existing easements. Easement donors and others concerned about the threat such a precedent would pose for the easement program in Virginia should contact VOF to urge them to deny Dominion’s proposal.
The map above depicts conservation easements in blue and the ACP path in red. A detailed version can be found here, hosted by the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition.
Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition is a good place to find information, links to resources, and other maps like the one we featured above.
Dominion also has a webpage on the ACP. Its interactive map drills down to individual parcels along the proposed routes.
The post Hearing Feb. 9 on Threatened Pipeline Easements appeared first on Valley Conservation Council.