Spring Stewardship Success
When VCC takes on a conservation easement, we assume responsibility for the stewardship of that land in perpetuity (forever!). Each year, staff and volunteers visit those easements, ensuring that they are in good shape and that the owners of these special places have access to the resources they need to be good stewards of the farms, forests, and waterways on their land. We’re happy to report that we’ve wrapped up our spring monitoring activities and once again we’re reminded of both the amazing properties protected by these easements and of the wonderful land owners we’ve been fortunate enough to partner with in our shared goal to protect the Shenandoah Valley.
We’ll be ramping up our stewardship program again this fall and would love to have your help! If you are interested in learning more about land stewardship and how you can help the Valley Conservation Council preserve our region’s amazing landscape, please click “Sign Me Up!” and our staff will get back to you about training, volunteer, and support opportunities within VCC’s stewardship program.